Haha, you really thought there will be an update, right? NO, THERE WON'T BE, and lemme explain why
So I was in my favourite server about gull, called gull supremacy right? yeah that's right, And i had this friend by the name of vexxum aka nezthron, the one to voice gull, we had been friends for a very long time! until one day... my friend decided it would be a good idea to raid the fucking server about gull, and HE UNFRIENDED everyone, and my friend droucked talked about the raiding incident inside the server. This made me WANT TO NOT BE FRIENDS WITH HIM ANYMORE... and we had this channel named nezthron's grave about what gull did in the damn server. Im starting to fucking hate him, so yeah imma FUCKING CANCEL this game, UNTIL VEXXUM COMES TO THE GODDAMN SERVER ABOUT GULL AND MAKE A REAL GODDAMN APOLOGY.

Get Valdis Craphouse Retake


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What the fuck is this schizo shit? I love it

I sure as hell am not downloading anything from this page though...

uhh did you play my game?

As per my comment, i haven't downloaded anything from your page 

if you havent played the game, then play it